English B


授業科目 English B
科目概要・形式 60 hours  2 Units  Compulsory 配当年次 Year: First Semester: Second
科目責任者 Alan Knowles
担当者 Alan Knowles, Mellisa Ogasawara, Vikki Williams, Chris Horne, Mike Smith, Jake Richardson


This is a language course which shares the same aims as English A, but is intended to build upon the skills and fluency acquired during that course. Special emphasis will be placed on the ability to communicate fluently and confidently in spoken English, in a variety of situations.


The course will be taught entirely in English, and the use of Japanese in the classroom will be strongly discouraged.

Students will spend most of their time communicating in spoken English, often in pairs or in small groups. Pronunciation, fluency and clarity will be monitored, and appropriate help will be given to individuals. The atmosphere will be relaxed, and games, role play and other activities will be used to encourage progress through enjoyment.

As well as speaking, there will be practice in listening, reading and writing.

Most lessons will take place in a classroom, but some time will be spent in the LT listening room and the LT computer room.

The main topics studied will be

Daily routine
Free time
Past experiences, storytelling
Japanese culture

There will be practice of past and present tenses, and vocabulary, structures and situations appropriate to the topics will be reviewed or introduced. The main emphasis will be on making active use of English as a means of communication.

Lessons 1-28: Each of the course topics will be introduced, reviewed and practised regularly throughout the course, according to the needs of individual students and classes. Records of course content covered by each class will be updated and checked weekly, to ensure that all required topics and skills are thoroughly practised throughout the semester.


No set textbook will be used, but students will be issued with a course outline, and course content will be the same for all groups.



Speaking (60%), writing (20%) and reading and listening (20%) will be assessed during the course.


Feedback from students has generally been positive, and this has encouraged us to continue emphasizing oral communication skills.


A4 Ring File (2 holes).

